"The Black Box"

  • When is "The Black Box" installed?

    "The Black Box" is installed during the second visit once your business' network has been fully documented.

  • Who manages "The Black Box"?

    "The Black Box" is fully managed by XIRGO in the Medium Business and Fully Managed Plans.

  • What do we manage on "The Black Box" by default?

    By default, we manage everything on "The Black Box", from the hardware to the software. If for example you require an additional site to be blocked or flagged, we will make the necessary adjustments for you upon request.

  • What is enabled on the black box by default?

    On our first visit, you are handed a questionnaire asking you how you would like the black box to be configured. Our technicians will then configure "The Black Box" to fit the needs of your business requirements.

  • Are there any extra Premium features that I can enable?

    "The Black Box" has many extra Premium features that may be enabled at an extra cost. These features are used in rare cases where the business requires very custom setups.

  • Can I get access to "The Black Box"?

    By default we do not give our clients access to "The Black Box". In exceptional cases, we can provide an administrative account to the desired user. It's important to note that any misconfiguration by the new user will be charged extra if it requires adjustment by the XIRGO team.

  • Does the black box protect again all viruses/spyware/malware?

    Like any anti-virus today, "The Black Box" will protect against most viruses/spyware/malware but not all. It's when both anti-virus systems and proper training/awareness are combined that we see the greatest results. It's for this reason that we provide training to all employees upon our first visit.

  • Can I request the blockage of additional websites after "The Black Box" has been installed and configured?

    Yes, simply submit a support ticket and a tech will happily get this sorted for you.

  • How is "The Black Box" hardware covered?

    All hardware on the black box is covered in the event of hardware failure. We will replace the box completely at no additional charge. There are however requirements to be eligible for this coverage. See the minimum requirements for "The Black Box".

  • Can I opt-out using "The Black Box"?

    "The Black Box" enables our staff to manage, monitor and resolve issues on your network quicker & more efficiently. For this reason "The Black Box" is required for businesses with more than 5 computers.

  • What are the minimum requirements for "The Black Box" hardware coverage option?

    In order for us to fully cover any hardware repairs, "The Black Box" must be behind a UPS (uninterruptible power supply). If you do not currently have a UPS in place we will be happy to install one for you at an extra cost.